Rebirth of Wings: Behind the Pink Curtain at Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2024 Triumphant Return To Flight


Jade Ann Byrne: The Great Imposter Bringing Wings Back to the Victoria’s Secret Runway

Victoria's Secret 2024 Fashion Show

By Jade Ann Byrne, Live from the Pink Carpet New York, New York

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Tune-In

I wasn’t just a spectator. I wasn’t just another press pass dangling from a lanyard. I was embedded, deep within the heart of one of fashion’s most highly anticipated events—today. A mystery shopper in designer heels, slipping through backstage corridors like a great imposter—there but not quite seen, documenting the rebirth of one of fashion’s most famous, and now most evolved, events: The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Today, Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, the world watches live as the pink carpet glows and the wings return, streaming across @VictoriasSecret social channels. Pink Carpet coverage begins at 6:30PM ET, with the show kicking off at 7PM ET on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. This year’s show isn’t just about fashion—it’s about evolution, with a lineup of all-women musical talent including Cher, Tyla, and Lisa. And for the first time, viewers can watch it again and again on Amazon Live, free for U.S. customers, as the brand marks a triumphant new chapter.

Under the neon lights of New York City, this wasn’t just another runway. After six long years of silence, the pink carpet rolled out with all the pomp and circumstance you’d expect. But this time, the wings that took flight weren’t just a fantasy—they were a signal of the brand’s promise to embrace something real. And I, Jade Ann Byrne, fashion maven, Amazon Associate Influencer, paladin in butterfly wings, was there to witness it all.

This wasn’t just about glittering lingerie or million-dollar bras. No, this was about a shift in the fabric of the industry itself, and I had the rare chance to be both insider and observer. My mission? To see if Victoria’s Secret had truly reimagined itself. As I moved through the backstage halls, models swathed in silk robes practiced their struts, hairstylists and makeup artists fluttered like moths to the spotlight. I had questions—and I was ready to see behind the curtain.

The models were not just walking; they were carrying more than wings. Jasmine Tookes, Adriana Lima, and yes, the stunning Tyra Banks, all wore their past triumphs and present transformations. Ashley Graham, fierce and real, commanded the runway, her presence like a lighthouse for every woman who’s ever felt unseen. I felt the vibrations from every step, every beat, every pulse of the music as they walked with pride—not for the brand but for what they now represented.

Behind the scenes, there was a feeling of change in the air, a certain reverence. These weren’t the empty fantasies of a bygone era. These wings symbolized resilience, inclusion, and the beauty of becoming something more. I watched as they fluttered down the runway and knew I was seeing something special—wings that weren’t just stitched together with tulle and rhinestones, but with the threads of a new chapter.

My exclusive, private Cloudflare stream lit up as I brought my pre-screened long-time supporters, California-based celebrities with scheduling conflicts, and those who preferred to remain unnamed, from the backstage bustle to the front-row glamour. On Amazon, Instagram, and TikTok, the curated version unfolded; but I was there live, revealing not just the glitz, but the humanity behind it all. “Jade Ann Byrne is inside,” I whispered gleefully into the mic, feeling the rush of being both reporter and fan, critic and advocate. This wasn’t about scandal or controversy anymore. It was about celebrating the human women in us all, the transformation of understanding another’s plight and the courage to start anew with unlikely allies.

Victoria’s Secret promised something different this time, and they delivered. Gone were the outdated ideals that once weighed down their models wings. Instead, these models brought authenticity to the forefront and you could feel the airspace overhead. And I, the embedded journalist, full -time great imposter, was right there in the thick of it all—streaming it to my audience, reminding them that transformation is real, that wings can be more than just feathers and imagination has no bounds.

The night belonged to everyone—every person who has ever sought to rise above the limits placed upon them. These weren’t just wings carried by models; they were symbols of heroism, of real individuals—women, men, and non-binary alike—who taught us that we all have the power to fly. As I left the venue discreetly through the side entrance into an awaiting town car, still glowing from the electric energy of the pink carpet, I knew one thing for certain: Victoria’s Secret had found a new fantasy—one that knows no boundaries or restrictions. This time, it was grounded in something that resonates with all of us: the appreciation of art in its most evolving and inclusive form, where beauty and strength transcend categories, and everyone is invited to soar.

Wings weren’t just brought back to the runway—Jade Ann Byrne has always worn hers, much like a Paladin invoking Avenging Wrath, or when a Holy Priest pops their radiant wings to heal and uplift. These wings are not just symbols; they are a part of me, a force of strength and grace, and I carry them into every battle, every celebration. My goal? To bring that same sense of empowerment and light to you. With every step, every live stream, and every word I captured, I was there. And it was magnificent. Hopefully, I can help you find your wings too—because we all have them, waiting to be unfurled.

“In a stunning revival of an iconic runway, Victoria’s Secret returned to New York City after a six-year hiatus with a fresh vision. Deep Embedded behind the scenes as a beautiful women, journalist Jade Ann Byrne discreetly, profitably, and keeping her sources secret confidentially documented the event, capturing both the glitz and the raw transformation of the fashion industry. The evening was a celebration of empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, as models of all sizes and identities reclaimed the wings once emblematic of unattainable fantasies. With exclusive backstage access, Byrne narrated the evolution of the brand and its cultural impact, live streaming the momentous occasion across global platforms.”

  1. Spanish:
    “En una impresionante resurrección de una pasarela icónica, Victoria’s Secret regresó a la ciudad de Nueva York después de una pausa de seis años con una nueva visión. Profundamente incrustada detrás de escena como una hermosa mujer, la periodista Jade Ann Byrne documentó discretamente, de manera rentable y manteniendo sus fuentes en secreto, el evento, capturando tanto el glamour como la cruda transformación de la industria de la moda. La noche fue una celebración del empoderamiento, la diversidad y la inclusión, donde modelos de todas las tallas e identidades recuperaron las alas que alguna vez simbolizaron fantasías inalcanzables. Con acceso exclusivo a los bastidores, Byrne narró la evolución de la marca y su impacto cultural, transmitiendo en vivo la ocasión monumental a través de plataformas globales.”
  2. French:
    “Dans une renaissance spectaculaire d’un défilé iconique, Victoria’s Secret est revenue à New York après une pause de six ans avec une nouvelle vision. Profondément ancrée dans les coulisses en tant que belle femme, la journaliste Jade Ann Byrne a documenté l’événement discrètement, de manière rentable et en gardant ses sources confidentielles, capturant à la fois le glamour et la transformation brute de l’industrie de la mode. La soirée était une célébration de l’autonomisation, de la diversité et de l’inclusion, alors que des mannequins de toutes tailles et identités ont récupéré les ailes autrefois emblématiques de fantasmes inaccessibles. Avec un accès exclusif en coulisses, Byrne a raconté l’évolution de la marque et son impact culturel, diffusant en direct cet événement monumental à travers les plateformes mondiales.”
  3. German:
    “In einer atemberaubenden Wiederbelebung einer ikonischen Modenschau kehrte Victoria’s Secret nach sechs Jahren Pause mit einer neuen Vision nach New York zurück. Tief eingebettet hinter den Kulissen als schöne Frau dokumentierte die Journalistin Jade Ann Byrne diskret, profitabel und vertraulich das Event, erfasste sowohl den Glamour als auch die rohe Transformation der Modebranche. Der Abend war eine Feier der Stärkung, Vielfalt und Inklusion, als Modelle aller Größen und Identitäten die einst für unerreichbare Fantasien stehenden Flügel zurückeroberten. Mit exklusivem Zugang hinter die Kulissen erzählte Byrne die Entwicklung der Marke und ihren kulturellen Einfluss und übertrug den monumentalen Anlass live auf globalen Plattformen.”
  4. Italian:
    “In una straordinaria rinascita di una passerella iconica, Victoria’s Secret è tornata a New York dopo sei anni di pausa con una nuova visione. Profondamente immersa dietro le quinte come una bellissima donna, la giornalista Jade Ann Byrne ha documentato l’evento con discrezione, in modo redditizio e mantenendo segrete le sue fonti, catturando sia il glamour che la cruda trasformazione dell’industria della moda. La serata è stata una celebrazione dell’empowerment, della diversità e dell’inclusione, con modelle di tutte le taglie e identità che hanno reclamato le ali, un tempo simbolo di fantasie irraggiungibili. Con un accesso esclusivo dietro le quinte, Byrne ha narrato l’evoluzione del marchio e il suo impatto culturale, trasmettendo l’occasione monumentale in diretta sulle piattaforme globali.”
  5. Portuguese:
    “Em um impressionante renascimento de uma passarela icônica, Victoria’s Secret voltou a Nova York após uma pausa de seis anos com uma nova visão. Profundamente inserida nos bastidores como uma linda mulher, a jornalista Jade Ann Byrne documentou discretamente, de maneira rentável e mantendo suas fontes confidenciais, o evento, capturando tanto o glamour quanto a crua transformação da indústria da moda. A noite foi uma celebração do empoderamento, da diversidade e da inclusão, com modelos de todos os tamanhos e identidades recuperando as asas, outrora emblemáticas de fantasias inatingíveis. Com acesso exclusivo aos bastidores, Byrne narrou a evolução da marca e seu impacto cultural, transmitindo ao vivo o momento monumental em plataformas globais.”
  6. Russian:
    “В потрясающем возрождении культового подиума Victoria’s Secret вернулась в Нью-Йорк после шестилетнего перерыва с новым видением. Глубоко внедренная за кулисами как красивая женщина, журналистка Джейд Энн Бирн незаметно, прибыльно и конфиденциально документировала событие, запечатлевая как гламур, так и глубокую трансформацию индустрии моды. Вечер стал праздником женской силы, разнообразия и инклюзии, когда модели всех размеров и идентичностей вновь обрели крылья, некогда символизировавшие недосягаемые фантазии. Благодаря эксклюзивному доступу за кулисы, Бирн рассказала об эволюции бренда и его культурном влиянии, ведя прямую трансляцию этого важного события на глобальных платформах.”
  7. Chinese (Simplified):
    “在标志性T台的一次惊人复兴中,维多利亚的秘密在六年后带着全新的视角重返纽约。作为一位美丽的女性,深度嵌入后台的记者Jade Ann Byrne谨慎地、获利地并保密地记录了此次活动,捕捉到了时尚产业的光彩与本质转变。这一晚是对赋权、多样性和包容性的庆典,模特们以不同的身材和身份重新拥抱了曾象征无法企及的幻想的翅膀。凭借独家后台通行权,Byrne讲述了品牌的演变及其文化影响,并通过全球平台实时直播了这一重要时刻。”
  8. Japanese:
    “アイコニックなランウェイの驚くべき復活において、Victoria’s Secretは6年ぶりに新たなビジョンを掲げてニューヨークに戻ってきました。美しい女性として舞台裏に深く入り込んだジャーナリスト、ジェイド・アン・バーンは、慎重かつ利益を生み出し、情報源を秘密に保ちながら、このイベントを記録しました。彼女は、ファッション業界の華やかさとその根本的な変革を捉えました。この夜は、エンパワーメント、多様性、包括性を祝うものであり、あらゆる体型とアイデンティティを持つモデルたちが、かつては手の届かない幻想を象徴していた翼を取り戻しました。バーンは、ブランドの進化とその文化的影響を語り、世界中のプラットフォームでこの壮大な機会をライブ配信しました。”
  9. Arabic:
    ‎“في إحياء مذهل لمنصة عرض أزياء أيقونية، عادت فيكتوريا سيكريت إلى نيويورك بعد غياب دام ست سنوات برؤية جديدة. كصحفية جميلة متوغلة بعمق وراء الكواليس، وثقت جايد آن بيرن الحدث بسرية، وربحية، مع الحفاظ على مصادرها بسرية تامة، ونجحت في التقاط كل من البريق والتحول الجذري لصناعة الأزياء. كانت الليلة احتفالاً بالتمكين والتنوع والشمولية، حيث استعاد العارضات من جميع الأحجام والهويات الأجنحة التي كانت رمزًا لأحلام مستحيلة. مع وصول حصري إلى ما وراء الكواليس، روت بيرن تطور العلامة التجارية وتأثيرها الثقافي، وقامت ببث الحدث المباشر عبر منصات عالمية.”
  10. Hindi:
    “एक प्रतिष्ठित रनवे के शानदार पुनरुद्धार में, विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट ने छह साल के अंतराल के बाद न्यूयॉर्क शहर में एक नई दृष्टि के साथ वापसी की। गहराई से पर्दे के पीछे एक सुंदर महिला के रूप में, पत्रकार जेड एनी बायरन ने गोपनीयता और लाभ के साथ इस घटना को दस्तावेजीकृत किया, फैशन उद्योग के दोनों ग्लैमर और कच्चे परिवर्तन को कैप्चर किया। यह शाम सशक्तिकरण, विविधता और समावेशन का उत्सव थी, जहां विभिन्न आकारों और पहचानों के मॉडलों ने उन पंखों को पुनः प्राप्त किया जो कभी अप्राप्य कल्पनाओं के प्रतीक थे। अनन्य बैकस्टेज एक्सेस के साथ, बायरन ने ब्रांड के विकास और उसके सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव को बताया, इस महत्वपूर्ण अवसर को वैश्विक प्लेटफार्मों पर लाइव प्रसारित किया।”
  11. Korean:
    “상징적인 런웨이의 놀라운 부활로, 빅토리아 시크릿이 6년 만에 새로운 비전을 가지고 뉴욕에 돌아왔습니다. 아름다운 여성으로서 무대 뒤에서 깊이 자리한 기자 제이드 앤 번은 은밀하게, 수익성 있게, 그리고 그녀의 출처를 비밀로 유지하며 이 이벤트를 기록했습니다. 이 행사는 패션 산업의 화려함과 변화의 본질을 포착하며, 모든 크기와 정체성을 가진 모델들이 한때 도달할 수 없었던 환상을 상징하는 날개를 되찾는 것을 기념하는 밤이었습니다. 번은 독점적인 백스테이지 접근 권한을 통해 브랜드의 진화와 그 문화적 영향을 설명하며, 글로벌 플랫폼에서 이 중요한 순간을 실시간으로 스트리밍했습니다.”
  12. Dutch:
    “In een verbluffende heropleving van een iconische catwalk keerde Victoria’s Secret na een onderbreking van zes jaar terug naar New York City met een frisse visie. Diep achter de schermen als een mooie vrouw, documenteerde journaliste Jade Ann Byrne het evenement discreet, winstgevend en met vertrouwelijke geheimhouding van haar bronnen. Ze legde zowel de glamour als de rauwe transformatie van de mode-industrie vast. De avond was een viering van empowerment, diversiteit en inclusie, waarbij modellen van alle maten en identiteiten de vleugels terugeisten die ooit symbool stonden voor onbereikbare fantasieën. Met exclusieve backstage-toegang vertelde Byrne het verhaal van de evolutie van het merk en de culturele impact, en streamde deze monumentale gebeurtenis live via wereldwijde platforms.”

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